Save big on prescription drugs… with no catch

The Pediatric Insider

© 2014 Roy Benaroch, MD

Some things are too good to be true. But every once in a while, there’s a genuine gem out there—in this case a website that does what it promises to do, with no strings and no catch. It’s free, and it doesn’t collect or sell private information, and it really is just there to help you.

Needymeds was founded in 1997 by a physician who’s since become a good friend. His organization and website are there only to help people find ways to reduce the costs of their medications. It’s entirely non-profit, and unlike other “drug discount” programs isn’t there to skim off marketing information or scam you with hidden costs. There are no costs, and no private health info is collected. You’re free to donate (and please do!), but everyone can use all of the site’s features without spending a penny.

You will find great stuff at the Needymeds site:

One of their best features is a drug discount card you can print yourself, right there, at no cost. I know from feedback from my patients that this card really works. It can save you big time, especially on brand-name medications that may not be on your insurance formulary. You can use it whether or not you have insurance, whether or not you have a copay, or to save money if you haven’t reached a deductible. Print it out, use it for your whole family, suggest it to your friends. There are no fees, no registration, no income or residency or insurance requirements, no nothing. It’s accepted at just about every chain. You can download and print the card from this page, which also includes more info about how it works.

There’s also an extensive, easily searched database of drug discount programs—organized by both drug names and by diseases. You can also find diagnosis-based camps and retreats, listings of helpful government programs, information about finding discounts on MRI/CT scans, mediation for medical bills, and a zip-code based, searchable listing of discount clinics. Feeling overwhelmed with this details of signing up for one of the hundreds of  pharmaceutical discount programs? There’s a searchable database of free- or low-cost paperwork assistance organizations in just about every state.

There’s plenty more good stuff, too. Visit the site and look around. You will find legitimate, no-catch ways to save money. Prescription medications can be hugely and stupidly expensive—here’s your best way to fight back.

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10 Comments on “Save big on prescription drugs… with no catch”

  1. CATT Says:

    Thanks, but no thanks. I regard Pharma meds as poison. Nice it works for some, but never for me.


  2. Rachel Says:

    CATT – please give us a break. Yes, prescription drugs can be over-used, have side effects, etc. but if you need them, you’ll be glad they are there. If you don’t need them, then just thank the universe that you have been lucky. You aren’t healthy because you are a better person, or eat 10 pounds of kale a day, or whatever – you are healthy because you are lucky.


  3. CATT Says:

    Rachel Like I said; nice it works for some, but not for me. And, you seem to think that I would resort to Pharma meds if need be. For me that would never happen. Other than Morphine, which seems to be fine the couple times I have required it, anything else has been a nightmare. And, if you really believe that good health is shear luck, then I have bridge to sell you. Health does not come in a bottle; it comes from treating yourself with common sense and yes, my food will be my medicine. And, anyone who doesn’t understand or believe that, has truly had their mind corrupted by the propaganda wheel. Wow!


  4. BBooey Says:

    Rachel, I think CATT is simply Dr. Roy pretending to be a troll on his own blog. Has anyone noticed that CATT is always first to respond for every post, her post is always contradictory to what Dr. Roy posts, and basically consists of tea tree oil, echinacea and vitamin C to cure all maladies, along with rants of how non-naturopathic medicine is evil incarnate? (except for her Morphine use … interesting)


  5. Dr. Roy Says:

    No, BBooey, we have to give credit where credit is due. CATT is her own genuine self– I couldn’t have come up with the “propaganda wheel” on my own. Other commenters around here may be choosing to post under different ‘nyms, but they’re not me.

    We at The Pediatric Insider welcome contrasting points of view.


  6. CATT Says:

    Thank you, Dr Roy. I appreciate your defense.


  7. CATT Says:

    BBooey, I don’t ever recall ever using the terminology “evil incarnate.” As I pointed out to Rachel and will point out to you, as well; my statement was; “Nice it works for some, but never for me.” And, for me personally, again, Pharma meds are poison. Why do you suppose there are warnings on every one of the? Answer: It’s because of people like me who react adversely to them. And, there are a lot of us that do.


  8. OMDG Says:

    Dr. Roy, When you withhold commentary on the woo/giant evil conspiracy comments, it comes across as tacit endorsement. Is that what you intend?


  9. Dr. Roy Says:

    OMDG, I don’t respond to every comment– I don’t want to be a bully, and I was serious when I said “We at The Pediatric Insider welcome contrasting points of view.” Well, not the “we” part… it’s really only me.

    I do try to address factual errors, but CATT’s opinions are pretty clearly expressed as opinions. Anyone who reads this blog already knows what I think. They can figure out the difference.


  10. Natalie Says:

    I just want to say for people like you I wouldn’t be getting the help I need. I just want to say thank you


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